Purchase a Lot

The cost of each lot is $600. You will need to contact Gene or Sharon Cameron at 205-622-3771 or DayCemetery35579@gmail.com to purchase.

You may pay by cash or check in person, or you may pay online using the link below.
Purchase by PayPal below

Day Cemetery Rules and Regulations

  1. Visitation to the cemetery will be from sunrise to sunset only.
  2. All grave lots will be purchased in advance or prior to burial.
  3. The family will be responsible for opening and closing the grave.
  4. Flowers will be removed from the grave within three weeks of burial. One arrangement may be left on the grave.
  5. All graves, foot stones and corner stones will be ground level for mowing purposes.
  6. Headstones shall be granite and standard sizes for companion and single graves.
  7. Granite cemetery benches are allowed with approval of the Day Cemetery Board.
  8. Flower decorations should be anchored to minimize wind damage and removed when deteriorated.
  9. There will be no border, wall or fence constructed without approval of the Day Cemetery Board.
  10. All plants, shrubs, trees, statues, fountains, bird baths, shepherd poles, chairs and any other structures or decorations are prohibited.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please contact a member of the cemetery board prior to a burial taking place. This helps ensure that a grave does not encroach upon another lot. Contacts are listed on the cemetery signage.

DISCLAIMER - The Day Cemetery Board of Directors shall not be held responsible for any damage done to cemetery lots or any property placed thereon (such as flowers, headstones, benches, etc.) due to acts of nature, criminal activity (including theft) or by third party vendors.